So I keep getting all these emails from everyone asking a bunch of random "about you" questions. My mom thought I would be most likely to respond, not sure why, but instead of emailing it all here we go.
10 Interesting Things About Me:
1. I was named after Erica Cane on All My Children. She's been married 11 times, but don't let that worry you, it was just a pretty name to my parents, not her personality. I married Beau ( wait, that's not the interesting part) and he is named after a soap opera character also. I can't remember which one...Bo Buchannin maybe (One Life to Live)
2. I save stuff. Not like Oprah needs to come to my house and clean out my 20 years of newspapers and old clothes. Its more like food. I could have a quart of ice cream in the freezer for a month (see #9). Sometimes its not really good because things will go bad before I ever use them. For example. When we were in Hawaii I bought some Macadamia nuts because they are so cheap there and I love them. That was 18 months ago and I still have them. I am saving them for something special okay, if I use them now I won't have them anymore - don't judge.
3. I am deathly afraid of roaches, and when I say deathly I mean up on the table, crying, waking Beau up at 2 in the morning, shaking, can't sleep scared. I think its because until we moved here I had never seen a roach before, that I can remember. Then the first one I see is the size of a small weenie dog.
4. I hate shoes. I only wear them if I absolutely have to. I mean, I wear them to walk outside, usually, but if I'm at my home, your home, anyone's home, in a car or whatever, they are off.
5. My favorite smell is fresh-cut grass. I love it. I roll down the windows, and breathe in as much as possible. Beau hates makes him sneeze.
6. I absolutely hate work. I know usually no one likes to work, but I hate it. Its not the going to work I hate, its the 12 hours waiting to go home that really suck. I would much rather be at home with my boys doing nothing. I need to win the lottery.
7. I know sign language, or used to. I was an interpretor at ACU for a while. I even did a friend's wedding once because she had a deaf Grandmother - actually deaf, not because she was old!
8. I don't like candy or juice. Beau told me that was wierd today. I don't like really sweet stuff. I love desserts like brownies and ice cream, but pass on the candy.
9. I'm a nibbler and a gulper. You wouldn't think you could be both, but I am. I will get one cookie or brownie or whatever and nibble on it for 20 mins (I like the term savor). However, I gulp my coffee, hot tea or hotchocolate. I try to go slow, but can't. I think its because I like it really hot and so I try to drink it while its still really hot.
10. I have a shower-only bed rule. I don't want anything or anyone in my bed that's not clean. Beau and I have had many arguments because he would refuse to bathe before coming to bed. In that senario he is not allowed to come close to me - it's his punishment for bad hygiene. And don't even think about touching my pillow!! If I want to take a nap during the day it has to be on top of the covers and not on my pillow or I take a shower first. Weird, I know, but who wants to sleep in their own filth?
Okay, so there you go. Now I have to go get ready for our Christmas Party. I'll try to take some pictures soon. We went to see Santa at the hospital today and another horrible experience by Scrooge (Elijah). He screamed like some one was killing him. He wouldn't even get close to Santa. He held on to Beau like we were going to try and give him away. So sad.