Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
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Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 26, 2009

We finally made it to the zoo!

After having to put it off for over a week due to illness and weather we finally took Elijah on his trip to the zoo. If you don't remember, it was his "prize" for being a big boy and going in the potty.

He is all in to taking these silly pics...

He had the "map" and would tell us where we're going next. Either it was a really small zoo or he's brilliant because he was right almost every time! It was funny. He would say, "Okay, okay, okay (his mouth works faster than his head sometimes), okay, next we're going to go to the elephants"...

He would ask Beau to carry him on his shoulders, but still tried to look at the map, not so good for Beau...

There, that's better....

Beau was teaching Elijah something about fish. I just loved Sadie though in this picture. I love it when you hold her and she puts her arm up on your shoulder...

Elijah and the coyote. Elijah would howl and the coyote would turn and look at him. He thought it was pretty cool...

The girl was fading fast...

Komodo Dragon...

Their new Asian Exhibit was neat. When Elijah would jump on the squares it would ring a bell. He loved making music...

Trying to master a rope swing...

Its easier when Papa helps...

Me and Elijah...

We had a great time. On Monday night we found out that some friends at church (the wife is the lady who has been keeping Sadie for us when I work) got us a membership to the zoo for our Christmas Present! We are so excited to be able to go now whenever we want!! Thank you Swift Family!!!

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