Here it is after I primed. I think I'm going to get some new knobs...
I also painted her little table for beside the rocker and the book shelves...told you I was productive.
Then we get to today. We did some cleaning this morning then we went to see Dr Klein. This is where the first C of the day came in. Cervix! I am going every week now. I will be 36 weeks tomorrow so I totally expected to go in and have him say I am no where effaced or dilated giving me the next 2-4 weeks to finish getting ready. Not so much. I am 50% effaced and dilated to a 1. I freaked out. He told me it was okay, second-time moms can go 3+weeks dilated and effaced. So I asked how much time I have. He said, and I quote, "could be two weeks, could be tonight, just don't do it next week, I'm on vacation." Seriously! Also, I talked to the Anesthesiologist that did my epidural with Elijah (which was just perfect) and he said I couldn't go into labor next week because he'll be gone. So...since both MD's have said that I'm sure it'll be next week.
On top of that...our plan, if I have to go to the hospital in the middle of the night like last time, is to have Aimee come over and spend the rest of the night with Elijah so we don't have to wake him up and take him to the hospital in the middle of the night. After hearing about my "C" she said, "you can't go into labor Saturday night, because we won't be home" I said, "Yeah, Beau is preaching Sunday morning and night because Rayford's out of town" so that would be just perfect!" I just really need at least another 2 weeks to get ready. Can you tell I'm panicking a little? One good bit of news. I lost 1 lb from last week!
The next C is much better. Curtains. I got the curtains for Sadie's room in the mail today. I went straight to her room and put them up. Don't they look great!!!
Well I'm going to a MOM's night out event tonight with Aimee. Its a swap meet. You bring things you want to swap (purses, jewelery, clothes, books, whatever), you get a ticket for every item you bring and you can exchange those tickets for other items from other moms. We're also stuffing Easter Eggs for our Easter Egg Hunt. Better go get ready. Beau said he and Elijah have a big night of sitting on the couch, watching basketball and eating ice cream ahead of them.
The room seems to be coming together. Just relax. While you still sort of can. It will all get done.
It sounds like nesting to me... Get ready!!!
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